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I Have A Love-Hate Relationship With Mornings And Morning Routines

My YouTube and TikTok are covered in aesthetically pleasing videos of people going through their very productive, very clean, very pretty morning routine at 5 AM. They're both motivating and depleting. I am a morning person, I wake up around nine usually and enjoy the crisp air, but I wish I could easily get up for sunrise to drink my coffee, and read, and meditate, and exercise, and send out important emails, and be mindful, and blah blah blah.

I've been trying and I thought it'd be easier because the sun rises at 7 AM now.

I was so wrong. I wake up at 7, walk across my room to get my phone (because that's supposed to help), and crawl right back into bed hitting snooze every 15 minutes. Then usually at around 8:30 I'll stop hitting snooze and scroll on TikTok. All of a sudden it's 9:30 and every 5 minutes I tell myself I'll put my phone down (because it makes sense to put it down at 9:45, not 9:42). Then I feel shitty because I think I've wasted my morning and I could've been enjoying a good book or YouTube video by now, so I tell myself tomorrow will be the day. And the cycle continues.

I'm still going to try again tomorrow, and the day after that, and probably every day until I get it right. I want to be a "better" morning person, if there is such a thing. I want to be up before the rest of the world like Ellie Breeden, a woman I found on TikTok who wakes up at 5AM every day to do something fun and for herself (you should definitely check her out on Insta or TikTok!). The rare occasions I have woken up and had my beautiful dream mornings, I really enjoyed them, but I'm just finding it hard to make it a habit. I'm afraid I may have to accept that this may be one of those things that I wish I enjoyed, but I actually don't (let's hope not!).

I'd love some of your recommendations or to hear some of your own struggles on getting out of bed and off your phone in the morning before I give up and accept I am just not that type of morning person!

Stay safe darlings!

Lily Burns


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