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We are so happy to get to know you all.  We are a community organization at Baruch College, aiming to promote self-admiration for ourselves and each other. Our goals are to spread love within the community and end the self-destructive culture that mass media has allowed us to be consumed by. Learn more about our club objectives down below or contact us through our email or Instagram for more information.

Pile of Oranges


To unite Baruch College .

Banana Pattern


 To promote confidence amongst our community and influence others to lead by action.

Image by Lewis Fagg


To ensure a happy environment at Baruch College and to push for greater mindsets among our members.

Image by Aliona Gumeniuk


To show love for others and inspire it within ourselves.


Samantha Kishner

President | Junior | Major: Psychology | Minor : English

Hello! I hope to be a psychiatrist one day & make a positive impact on the world. I'm passionate about making the world a more loving and accepting place. I always want to put a smile on peoples faces. I enjoy being creative and eating lots of food. I'm always excited to meet and learn from new people, so feel free to reach out to learn about the club, our positions, what we're about, and how to be a part of it all! You can reach me at my Instagram @SamanthaKishner or email me at


Kaitlyn Easington

Vice President | Junior | Major: Accounting | Minor: Psychology

Hi everyone! I love to try and experience new things and just make those around me feel accepted and happy. New foods, new places, and amazing people to experience it all with - I am all for it. If you want to learn more about the club, or just want to talk, you can reach me on Instagram @Kaitlyn_Easington or email me at


Jamilah Conner

Secretary | Junior | Major: International Communications 

My goal is to become a cultural anthropologist and write my own books. In my free time I enjoy writing poetry, baking, hula hooping, and learning Dutch. My instagram is @jamilahconner and my email is Feel free to reach out at any time.



Jenna Chow

Head of Marketing | Sophomore | Major: Advertising/Marketing Management | Minor: Graphic Arts

Hello! I love to draw, run, garden, and listen to music. I enjoy fashion and cooking as well. I am a huge movie buff and am up for suggestions. I also love learning about skincare and use face masks religiously. I am looking forward to meeting you all! Follow me on Instagram @JennaChow. For other inquiries including more information about my position contact me at


Lily Burns

Head of Marketing | Sophomore | Major: Digital Marketing | Minor: Environmental Sustainability 

Hello all! I'm from Westchester, NY. I love photography and travel (hopefully I could make it into my career!) I also enjoy cooking,baking, movies, shows, gardening, and recently picked up on guitar. I'm a huge people and animal person. My Instagram is @LilyABurns. Feel free to reach out about the club or just to be friends!


Amanda Apurado

Event Coordinator |  Junior |  Major: International Business | Minor: Anthropology

Hey all! I love experiencing new cultures and I hope I'll be able to study abroad! I love to bake and read so feel free to hit me up if you ever want to hang out and grab something yummy. If you're interested in learning more about my position, please contact me on Instagram @appsurado or email me at


Amanda Persaud

Head of Outreach |  Junior |  Major: Business | Minor: Political Science

Hi there! I like blue skies, taking walks, and listening to music. I also love Broadway, cooking, and concerts. You can check me out on Instagram @heartsmadeofgold or shoot me an email at Hope to see you at a future meeting!


Gauri Khanna

Treasurer |  Junior | Major: Finance

Hi everyone! I love dancing and eating anything with cheese. I'm also a coffee fanatic and love trying coffee all around the city so hit me up and we can explore cafes together! My goal is to travel to each country in the world and hope to do that very soon. If you want to know more about my position or just want to chat, you can reach me at my Instagram @Gauri.Khanna or email me at


Palak Sewani

Treasurer |  Junior | Major: Accounting | Minor: Psychology

Hey there! My name is Palak Sewani and I'm a rising Junior. I'm apart of the financial committee of Our B.I.A.S. I love makeup and have been trying to improve my skills. My Instagram is @Palakkkk_S and my email is! Don't be afraid to reach out to me!



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