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Preparing for Finals in Healthy Ways

The semester is coming to an end which means one thing. Finals. Students are working for hours straight studying and preparing for exams. When we are stressed about tests, we may find ourselves pushing and overworking with no break. It's important to remember to take care of ourselves especially during a time where it's so easy to forget. Not only will taking care of ourselves improve our performance on exams, it's just overall crucial to put ourselves and our mental health first. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your finals in healthy ways.

Manage your Time

Pulling all nighters is ultimately a result of ineffective time management. Take some time out of your day to compile a list of everything you need to do and dates you need to remember. Seeing such a long list can be stressful, but ultimately not having a list will make things even more stressful. Write this list in a planner, bullet journal, notes app, calendar or anything you have available. A personal favorite tip of mine is to use the google extension “Momentum” if your main web browser is Google Chrome. With every new tab open, Momentum shows your To-Do List and an inspirational quote of the day.

Don’t spend all your time studying

Sometimes it can feel like you have to study or else you’re wasting time. But that isn’t true. Do anything that brings you joy is never a waste of time and you shouldn't have to sacrifice your hobbies. When managing your time, make sure to leave a few free hours to take to yourself.

Drink Water

Always make sure you’re drinking enough water. Finals or not, drinking water everyday is a must. Drinking water increases your concentration, helps you think more clearly and increases your mood. So always have a glass near whenever you're studying.

Journal Journal Journal!

It’s a hard habit to keep, but a habit we all should have. Journaling your thoughts is a therapeutic way to figure out how you’re feeling and let it out. This is a stressful time and writing down your emotions can help relieve some of that stress.

Listen to Music While you Study

Not everyone likes to listen to music when they’re concentrating, but if you do, it can make your time studying more bearable. I compiled some songs with my friend we like to listen to while we get work done.

It’s Not the end of the World

It may feel like it, but it’s not. I’m wishing everyone luck on their finals and I hope you ace it. But if you don’t, that’s okay. We spend 4 years in college and take many classes along the way, it’s okay if you don’t do well in some of them. College isn’t easy and it happens you’re not alone. At the end of it all, you tried. Or maybe you didn’t work as much as you think you could have, which is also okay. Sometimes we aren’t in the mental space to put our best foot forward. You still did your best and you should be proud of yourself regardless of the outcome. Take this summer to forget it all, relax and have fun!


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