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Samantha's Self-Love Journey

Hi! My name is Samantha and I am the President and founder of Our B.I.A.S. My journey with body positivity and my body in general is a long and never ending one. However, it is a journey that I am proud to be on and have no plan on ending. For so much of my elementary, middle, and even high school years I struggled with loving my body. I always loved me, and even always enjoyed my own face, but I really hated my body.

I didn’t like that I was chubby or bigger than my peers. I didn’t like the line of back fat that showed when I wore bras and I hated my stomach fat most. I would literally stand and hold my stomach fat and tell it to go away. I didn’t come from a household that shamed me for what I ate or how I looked. But, I also didn’t come from a home where my role models loved their own bodies. For example, my own mom would complain about her weight just about everyday and even ended up having plastic surgery to change her appearance. It wasn’t until my own mother, who I had always thought of as beautiful, risked her life to look like society’s version of beautiful that I decided I needed to make a change and start to love myself more. I am one of four sisters and I didn’t want any of them to feel the way that I felt nor end up doing what my mother did.

I actively started telling myself nice things when I looked in the mirror, surrounding myself with accepting and motivating people, and realizing that the people I found most beautiful were confident. I found the most beauty in confidence and decided that’s what I wanted to be. So with this I started to wear whatever I wanted, stopped wearing bras cause why not, and embraced and loved my curves. Of course there are days when I struggle and cry when I look in the mirror. But now I can bounce back easier and remember that ultimately what I look like is no way equal to my worth. I am worthy of love and kindness from myself and others no matter my weight. That’s why I wanted to start this club, so I could hopefully remind the people around me just how beautiful they are inside and out.


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